Workshops Facilitated

Jun 8, 2016: Capacity building workshop for ICT Teachers in PEAS Schools at PEAS High School, Mityana.

Jun 7, 2016 : Summer Leadership Camp of MasterCard Foundation at Makerere University on the theme “Effective Social Media Use for Young Leaders”

2009 To Date Series of Workshops and Seminars for Youths in the Youth and Gender ICT Camps in Uganda, supported by UCC and Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET)

2003 –2006:   Conducted a series of Training of Trainers Workshops (Over 20) for teachers and administrators on ICT and Curriculum integration in collaboration with SchoolNet Uganda

Feb 2008         Planned, organized, facilitated and evaluated the Annual Staff development workshop for Mengo Senior School with the theme: ICT In Education: Potentials, Challenges and Strategies.

2001 – 2005     Facilitated a series of Videoconferences with the World Bank bringing  together educators, policy makers and development partners in Uganda, Tanzania, USA, Ethiopian, Ghana, Nigeria a and other countries in the Global Distance Learning Network (GDLN)

April 2004        Facilitated a Teachers Workshop at Ndejje Senior Secondary school on the Theme: New Challenge, New Skills and presented a paper Mainstreaming ICT in the Classroom.

July 2002        Conducted a Training of Trainers Workshop on ICT and Entrepreneurship for in the YouthIT Project 40 Teachers and facilitators that trained 550 youths in 11 schools around the country

2002                Conducted a 5 day workshop for Curriculum Developers and Subject Specialist for National Curriculum Development Center (NCDC) on Integrating Technology and Sustainable Development in the Curricular, sponsored by the World Bank

Feb 2002         Co-facilitated a 2-months online Course for Teachers in Ghana and Uganda on “Integrating Sustainable Development and Technology in the Classroom”

2002 – 2003    Organized and facilitated two 3-day face-to-face and Videoconference workshops for Teachers on Curriculum, Technology and Sustainable Development Integration

Dec. 2002:      Organized and implemented a one week Training of Trainers Workshop for Teachers and Rotarians (Businessmen) in ICT and Entrepreneurship for the youth, Kampala.

Nov.2000:       Facilitated a one day seminar on “The Role, Potentials and Challenges of ICT in Education in Uganda”, for Masters Students of Educational management and of education of Makerere University School of Education

Nov 2000:       Conducted a two-day National “Electronic Content Creation Workshop” for Uganda teachers and students at NCDC, Kyambogo. The workshop focused on web page design and management

1998                Together with World Links National Coordinator, conducted a Seminar on ICT landscape in Uganda for   Post graduate Computer sciences students the Institutes of Computer science of Makerere University

Jun 2003 – Jun 2004  Year Long Videoconference /Global Dialogues on ICT in Education conducted by the ICT in Education Program of the World Bank Institute. Organized in Coordination with Global Distance Learning Network (GDLN)

June 2006       Presentation to women entrepreneurs and youths at a WOUGNET organized seminar at Makerere University Faculty of Science and Technology on how they could use ICT to improve their businesses

5.0       International Conferences attended/facilitated

2006                World Summit of Information Society, Tunisia. Exhibited the work done by the OKN Africa Project


Feb 2006         International Tour of India to explore applications and sustainability strategies for Telecenters in Pondicherry, Mumbai, Chennai and Dheli. Understudied organizations such as DRISHTEE, MSSRF, OKN India and Projects


June 2004:       At the South Africa World Bank Development Market Place presented a paper “Empowering Youths through ICT and Business Training to combat the HIV/AIDS Challenge: Experiences from the Field”


Aug 2000         Moderated the Education sector Focus Group Discussions in the “Developing    Uganda’s Information Infrastructure Agenda Project (DUIIAP) workshop organized by The Institute of Computer Science, Makerere University and InfoDev


July 2001        South Africa, Annual International Education and Resource Network I*EARN Conference for a presentation of the Edtech Project and World Education for Development Course experiences


July 2000        International Education and Resource Network – I*EARN ( ICT Conferences in China on the Food for everyone Project


Dec 2000        The Annual International Management Conferences organized by Makerere University Business School (MUBS). Paper presented “Coping with Economic and Technological Change in the New Millennium”


Nov 1998        The Annual International Management Conferences organized by Makerere University Business School (MUBS). Paper presented “Leveraging Organizational Learning for a Sustainable Competitive Advantage”


Nov 1997        The Annual International Management Conferences organized by Makerere University Business School (MUBS). Paper presented “Leveraging Organizational Learning for a Sustainable Competitive Advantage”

Kalema Golooba Ayub