Kuroiler Project

This is the beginning

What does it mean to be in A-Level?

Sunday 5th October found me patched in Uganda Matyrs Senior Secondary School Namugongo to share with and inspire senior five students to greater heights of achievement. This was a rare meeting, organised jointly by the parents and the school as an intervention to a challenge they had observed. Please visit http://www.ugandamartyrs.ac.ug

To S.4 Candidates at St. Joseph Naggalama

The date is already set, Saturday 20th September! The outline is done. Just had a wonderful session with St. Joseph Naggalama students and parents on the theme,  “Preparing for Examinations” This a Christian founded school in Mukono, central Uganda. I was immediately impressed by the organisation of the school, commitment of the  staff and enthusiasm […]

The Unspoken Rules of Social Media

So, you are now connected to Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, LinkedIn, Skype, and YouTube! Congratulations. You rock! You are dot com. Fine, you can now share jokes, chat, get updates from your friends. You are dreaming of scholarships and many more opportunities. But wait a minute, how exactly should you use these social media tools? What […]

Rivers : Photo Interpretation

Photograph R1 a). Draw a landscape sketch of the photograph R1 and on it mark and name the following – drainage features – Relief features – Vegetation types b). Account for the formation of the drainage feature in the central background d) Describe the problems facing people living in the area e) Describe the characteristics […]

Geography Teachers’ Workshop at Gayaza High School

This workshop brought over 500 teachers from all over Uganda. Topics handled include – Reasons for poor performance – highlights of Statistics, map reading ad photo interpretation – Use of ICT to enhance teaching and Learning ( which I handled)    

ELIMU Project Reunion 2013 in Uganda

In September 20speared deadheaded the reunion of students and teachers in Uganda who had ever been through the Elimu School Exchange Program between Uganda and Norway. The event attracted participants from 6 schools in Uganda and brought together  program alumni from as far back as 2007 Participant came from – Mengo Senior School – Kalinabiri

At the top of the world in Tromso

April 2013 was the day I went the furthest North I have ever been.and probably will ever be.

ICT is taking root in Uganda.

I recall just a couple of years ago when only a handful of us could use a computer! Now I sit in a room full of teachers who use and teach ICT!

Solfesten 2013 – The Sun Festival in Rjukan

Rjukan VGS is located on the floor of Rjukan valley, a  deep V-shaped glacial valley that was curved out by glaciers some 12.000 years ago. The valley goes without the sun’s rays for close to six months from October to March. So when the su…n’s rays first touch the valley on 12th March, there is […]

Kalema Golooba Ayub